ARCH ENEMY - New Tour Blog And Pictures Available

June 2, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news arch enemy

ARCH ENEMY vocalist Angela Gossow has checked in with her latest Tyranny & Bloodshred tour blog, issued via Check it out below:

"This week’s update begins on a slightly sour note caused by a very, very long travel day to Montreal due to our tour bus breaking down. Shortly after departure the engine started running on half the power and our max speed was capped at 40mph. So we slowly crawl up and down the mountains to the Canadian border, where they manage to take three-and-a-half hours to look at our papers and pale faces. Yep, not too much fun.

We get to Montreal at 4AM, Tuesday the 14. Instead of 8 hours the trip was almost 20 hours – so we are kinda wrecked and basically flee the bus immediately upon arrival. The bus then goes straight to the garage to be fixed. Despite being tired, I am looking forward to the show, the fan meeting, the lovely Miss Alissa White-Gluz (from THE AGONIST), our fanclub winners and my girl Hadass, a devoted metal soldier flying in from Jerusalem to catch the show! And what a show it is! Pure fucking metal magic, soaked in sweat, screams and moshpits – Montreal, we love you!!!

We are having a hard time saying good-bye to our friends and fans that night – everybody wants to cherish that day as long as possible! At 6AM we finally make our way to Quebec, le capital du metal! I don’t know how, but we manage to break the last five years record in attendance figure for a metal show! The L’Imperial is packed with almost a 1000 souls, ready to tear it up!

The promoter couldn’t look any happier and saying good-bye after this show takes a while. Thanx for all the love and care we got that day..and to everybody who came out to the show that night – pretty much every metal head in town! The same goes for Toronto! Great show, extremely dedicated fans, singing along every line!"

Go to this location to check out the rest of the blog and pictures from this leg of the tour.

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