RISE TO ADDICTION - New Song Titles Revealed

June 16, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news rise to addiction

Singer Leigh Oates from UK metallers RISE TO ADDICTION have issued the following update:

"Just dropping in to let you know that the new album is going really well, all the demoing and writing is now done and we've ended up with 10 songs that we're all really happy with, I'm really excited about u all hearing what we've been up to!! I know it sounds a bit cliché but we really think that these songs are the best work any of us have ever put our name to so all is good!

I have some song titles for you (in no particular order); these are more or less decided on but I might keep u guessing!

'Fade Away', 'Fallen From Grace', 'Home', 'Indelible', 'Numb', 'One More Time', 'Outside', 'Scars We Wear', 'Sick Of Me',

'The Whisper'.

We start recording the album proper this Sunday (15th June), Aynsley (Dickinson - drums) is ready to destroy!

Having produced and engineered the last album ourselves we've decided to go one further this time and mix the thing as well! Step up Mr. Steve Wray (guitars)!!

Anyway that's where we're at, at the moment, everything is bang on schedule for when we have to deliver this baby to the label, we'll keep you updated all the way along and hopefully we'll be filming some of the tracking and some more ‘avant-garde' moments of the whole experience as well…

Thanks for all the support, hold tight we'll be back soon!!"

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