GORELORD Mastermind - "The Human Race Is So Predictable..."

June 18, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news gorelord

Norway's GORELORD - the one-man deathgroove project of Frediablo, who has in the past been part of NECOPHAGIA, GRIMFIST and HEMNUR - has issued the following update:

"Some of you boys and girls have probably seen the extremely sexy profile pic (on the left) of yours truly... hahaha!!!

POSERLORD MOTHERFUCKERS!! It's a little sickening in my book, but the reason I decided to use this image was to fuck a little with people... and it's working as well... it's all so tragic, just like I knew it would be.

The human race is so predictable, but most of all, the metal elite. The "true evil" ones still rage the throne.

I've recieved soooo many emails from various fools going "What The Fuck?!!" & "This is GAY!!" or ""You've sold out!" etc. The usual bullshit one would expect from those who piss on everything different. A guy calling his project Gorelord posing half naked?!! How could this be?! This guy is not true or evil!! Where are the zombies and the blood?! HAHAHAHA!!! This was the reason I did this. To prove... once again to myself, that a lot of people can't take a joke, and act like tough bastards from behind the computer & keyboard.

It's funny, tragic and predictable at it's best!! I pity the ones treating this as a problem, when the real problem is clearly in their own head. A level of insecurity and narrow mindedness, but still a little funny to me! It's all about having a good time.

On a not so much different note, I have also recieved alot of emails where girls tell me how sexy I am and how bad they wanna fuck my brains out, which is just as bad as the rest. I hate groupies and the whole concept of someone going after people just cause they play in a band or have had their sorry name in a few album booklets!!

It's prostitution without getting paid... unless they regard getting herpes or some other shitty illness payment enough... haha!! People and the shit they do!! It's no wonder this world is fucked, but on the bright side... I'll be loooong dead and gone when the shit really hits rock bottom! Unless they find a way to freeze and preserve my sorry half naked ass, then wake me up many many years later and witness the downfall and end of mankind as we know it. Wouldn't that be sweet?

Sometimes I dream it would, but right now I'm having too much fun living with my girlfriend, hanging out with my few close friends and family, AND pissing off the elite with my naked pecker chest and wierd sense of humor.

Cheers fuckers!

Yours truly, Frediablo."

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