LEAVES' EYES Vocalist LIV KRISTINE Signs Worldwide Deal With Napalm Records

June 19, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news leaves eyes liv kristine

LEAVES' EYES vocalist Liv Kristine Espenaes Krull has issued the following update:

"I am very happy and proud to announce that I just signed a contract for my next few solo albums with Napalm Records. My decision to take this step is easily explainable; I am very satisfied with the cooperation between Napalm Records and Leaves' Eyes so far. I appreciate the work of everybody working at Napalm Records and I have a good feeling about our past and future cooperation. Having both my solo project and Leaves' Eyes on one label makes it a lot easier for label, band, co-musicians and me to coordinate everything, especially when it comes to planning and organising tours, productions, promotion work etc. In the nearest future I will certainly pay a visit to beautiful Eisenerz (Austria) and show Max a few ideas I've already been working on for my third solo album."

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