EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt - "We Have Been Quitetly Working On The Bonded By Blood Re-Recording..."

June 20, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news exodus

San Francisco Bay Area thrashers EXODUS check in with the following update from guitarist Gary Holt:

"While anxiously awaiting our return to Europe for the festival run, we have been quietly working on the Bonded By Blood re-recording in our time off.

(Singer) Rob (Dukes) is currently doing vocals in New York, (guitarist) Lee (Altus) is doing his solos and I have some touch-ups to do on July 4th.

Everything sounds crushing! Guitars are brutal, Tom's (Hunting) drumming is sick, Rob sounds heavier than ever. I am totally stoked.

While working on this, I have been securing the talent for the 25th anniversary version of it, the Paul Baloff tribute. Nine different singers. Can't name names right now, but people have been more than willing to participate.

Next up is Tidal Wave, then beer and sun in Europe. This sitting-at-home shit sucks; I need to be on the road!"

In late May, while taking a break from writing the band’s follow-up to 2007’s The Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit A in his home in northern California, Holt stated, "... I am pleased to announce that Exodus have re-signed to Nuclear Blast!

We have been working on this since last October and I am happy to say that we'll continue our relationship with the greatest label in metal for some time to come!

It's good to be with a label that we can call home after so many different stops along our career and we are psyched to move even further into the future.

There is no telling how heavy things can get!"

The Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit B is due out later this year. Stay tuned for updates.

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