OBITUARY Check In Following France's Hellfest; Photos Available

June 24, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news obituary

John Tardy, singer for Tampa-based death metal legends OBITUARY, has issued the following update:

"Our last show at Hellfest in France was really unbelievable! What a great response from all our fans! It is that kind of crowd reaction that gets us invited back to Hellfest again and again! Thanks to all of you for the support and thanks to the organizers for putting on a great festival.

We had a few really busy days and it is going to be nice to have a couple of days off and rest up for the next show. At one point in time we actually were in four cities, three countries, two flights and two shows in 24 hours! Ouch! We are headed to Holland to spend our time off and then we won't have far to travel to make it to the next show...Graspop Festival in Belgium! Graspop is another huge festival and it should be another awesome show. We look forward to seeing you all there!

I have started to put up some photos so you can check those out here."

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