BODY OF SCARS Check In From The Studio

June 30, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news body of scars

BODY OF SCARS, the new Phoenix, Arizona-based band featuring JAG PANZER drummer Rikard Stjernquist and former 40 GRIT vocalist/guitarist James Santiago, have issued the following studio update:

"Hello one and all!

We hit the studio this week and Rikard will start tracking drums Wedneday night (July 2nd). The goal is to have everything tracked by October, then mix and master all of November. Artwork and CD pressing early December and have the CD release date set as January 6th, 2009 with a tour to follow. Our next show is August 30th at Joes Grotto with AUTUMNS END and BACK FROM ASHES. We will be busting out the majority of the new CD at that show so you better be there!

If you haven't gotten our debut CD Body Of Scars please pick it up cause we're almost out. Thanks for your endless love and support!"

James, Randy, Rikard and Brian

Go to this location to order the band's debut CD and for more information on the band.

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