BRET MICHAELS - Five Copies Of New Album Up For Grabs At Metal Express Radio

July 6, 2008, 16 years ago

news bret michaels rock hard

Norway's Metal Express Radio has issued the following contest announcement:

"Five lucky winners will be chosen at random to receive a copy of Bret Michaels' new CD Rock My World from a pool of fans who answer the following not so trivial trivia question:

-- Rock My World is the title of the latest Bret Michaels CD, but tell us from where the saying originates from!

Email the correct answer with BRET MICHAELS CONTEST listed in the subject to by 23:59:59 CET (5:59 p.m. EST) on Friday, July 18, 2008. Be sure to include your mailing address. Have fun and good luck to all!"

For more information on Metal Express Radio go to this location.

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