KATAKLYSM Guitarist Jean-Francois Dagenais Responds To "Sell Out" Comments

July 9, 2008, 16 years ago

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A new audio interview with KATAKLYSM guitarist Jean-Francois Dagenais of Kataklysm is available on www.metal-rules.com where he responds to those who would say their new sound is a sell out, and he also discusses the Summer Slaughter tour as noted here:

Metal-rules.com: What is one of the best things about being on a big tour like the Summer Slaughter and what is one of the worst things about being on such a large tour?

Dagenais: "The thing I don’t like about these big tours is that there is so many bands and there is gear laying around everywhere. We’re playing some big clubs, but some smaller clubs as well. When you get to a small place and there’s barely enough space to fit everyone’s gear, that’s pretty rough and you feel like you are stepping over everybody’s toes or something like that. But the good side is that the parties are amazing, there’s so many people to party with afterwards. It’s just a great time of hanging out."

Metal-rules.com: Do you get to watch the other bands on tour or do you prefer more quiet time before you play?

Dagenais: "I do watch some of them but I won’t stand there all day because you get kinda tired at the end of the day form watching everybody then you have to go on and play. I’ll pick a different band every day to go and see. One night I’ll go see Vader, another Cryptopsy or Despised Icon, or I’ll pick a different one and see a couple of bands every day. Just to feel the vibe of the place and see how things are going."

A link to the entire interview can be found here.

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