KISS' Gene Simmons - "Condoleeza Rice Is Sexy"

July 11, 2008, 15 years ago

news rock hard kiss

According to here, KISS rocker Gene Simmons has developed a crush on US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.

The pair met in Sweden in May when they were staying in the same hotel. Kiss were performing in the capital Stockholm and Rice was meeting with politicians to discuss Iraq.

Simmons was stunned to discover the 53-year-old Republican is a fan of his band, and he reveals they bonded over a private meeting.

Rice said at the time, "I was thrilled. It was really fun to meet Kiss and Gene Simmons."

And Simmons, who claims to have seduced 5,000 women, adds, "She told me it was OK to call her Condi, and that she was a fan. I find her very sexy."

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