CANNIBAL CORPSE Strike Gold In Canada With New DVD

July 21, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news dvd cannibal corpse

Florida’s kings of death metal CANNIBAL CORPS’s latest release, the DVD Centuries Of Torment – The First 20 Years, has officially been certified Gold in Canada. The DVD charted at #10 on the Canadian top selling music DVD charts.

Alex Webster (bassist) had this to say, "We are very excited to hear the news that our new DVD Centuries of Torment has already been certified Gold in Canada. We have always received incredible support from our fans in Canada, but to have the DVD go Gold immediately upon it's release is even more than we could have hoped for. We want to say a huge thank you to our Canadian fans for making this possible, you guys rule!"

As previously reported, Cannibal Corpse hit the Billboard charts with the release, landing at #8 on the Billboard Music Video Charts in the US.

Centuries Of Torment is a triple-DVD - directed and produced by Denise Korycki - which features over seven hours of footage. Click here for more details.

View a DVD teaser below:

"Centuries of Torment" DVD Teaser

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