ZIMMERS HOLE Guitarist Checks In - "Getting Back With The Boys And Playing Some Good Ol' Fashioned Heavy Metal Has A Way Of Calming The Soul"

July 24, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news zimmers hole

ZIMMERS HOLE / TENET / STRAPPING YOUNG LAD guitarist Jed Simon has issued the following update:

"It's good to be back in Vancouver, and it's great to be back at work with my Metal Family. Over the last week we have been slammin' out the new tunes (old ones too!) and enjoying every moment. I thought it might take a bit for me to get used to Gene (Hoglan / SYL) on drums, but in actuality it was more like 'coming home.' Gee, I wonder why? Haha!

Having Dave Teague on guitar is also very cool, it's that extra wall of crunch, which I find most pleasant. Two guitars hammering down the rhythm is a wonderful sound. It get's the blood pumpin'.

Anyway, there are smiles all around, the BBQ is workin' overtime, ice cold frosties are flowin', and everyone in the band is looking forward to getting this thing on the road.

It's just the two shows right now... HATEBREED in Edmonton, and Ozzy's Monsters of Rock in Calgary. Then we are going to spend the month of August getting ready for our first U.S. tour with SIGH in September. It's gonna be a good time and we're all stoked to be getting our asses on tour in the States finally. There are more tour plans for the rest of the year, and as things get confirmed, you'll be the first to know!

As well as rehearsing in August, we will be putting the finishing touches on our new ZH compound. The Heathen has been looking for a new location for his custom chopper shop (Heathen Choppers) and he has found a big warehouse in the city. It's going to be a motorcycle shop and rehearsal facility for ZH and a few close friends. Our fellow metallions in 3 INCHES OF BLOOD have moved in and are tearin' it up every night. A lot of work needs to be done still, but we finally have a home base for all of our band and motorcyle needs, fuck yeah!

So things are good, I feel good...it's been a tough year at times...and getting back with the boys and playing some good ol' fashioned heavy metal has a way of calming the soul. Music rocks, and metal rules."

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