EVEMASTER - New Studio Update Issued

August 1, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news evemaster

BATTLELORE frontman Tomi Mykkänen, who plays guitar in EVEMASTER, has issued an update from the Evemaster recording sessions.

As previously reported, the new album is tentatively titled III: Newtopia and will be produced by Mykkänen and MOONSORROW frontman Ville Sorvali.

"No, updates during July. Sorry for that. We actually had 3 vocal recording session during July and we got 6 - 7 out of 10 songs recorded (including the cover). Jarno's vocals sound excellent. Raw and broken. This is the way I like them!

We are recording the vocals in Barrow studios which is actually my home. I did the remake of 'Lacrimae Mundi' on my home studio as well. This time I have my own room for computer and listening and Jarno is singing in the bedroom. The sound is actually quite good. We are using Röde NT-1A mic. It's connected to Presonus FP10 and that is firewired to my laptop recording everything on 24 bits.

As I said above Jarno is actually singing in my bedroom. It's still filled with stuff because of the renovation around the house and for this reason the room sounds actually quite nice for vocal recording; not echoing, not totally dead. Jarno seems fine with the room and listening.

We have been recording the main vocals and some of the backing vocals during the sessions so far. We are going to listen through the songs and decide where we should have more vocals and what kind of backing is needed. The idea is to have one track for the main vocal throughout the whole song and then add backing vocals if needed. This is just to have the vocal track as raw and live-like as possible. And of course this will help the mixing process as well.

Jarno went back to South-Africa but he'll move back to Finland at the end of August. During August I will sort through the vocal tracks and record the guitars. Ville will probably record some/most of the basses on the album and Eve from MYGRAIN will be my helping hand with the synths. At the moment it seems that we are not going to use that much synths for this album but this can of course change if Eve will blow my mind with ideas. Hahah!

So now, guitars, bass, synths and Jarno's missing vocals in September. The album should be ready for mixing by the end of September. Damn, finally!" *fingers crossed*

As previously reported, working titles of the new songs are: 'Enter Newtopia', 'New Age Dawns', 'Humanimals', 'Losing Ground', 'The Great Unrest', 'The Sweet Poison', 'Harvester of Souls', 'Fevered Dreams', 'Absolution'.

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