THE AGONIST Participate In A Song For Africa Charity Effort

August 7, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news the agonist

THE AGONIST vocalist Alissa White-Gluz has contacted BW&BK; with the following announcement:

“I just wanted to let you know we are planning a fundraiser and publicity stunt for a cause called A Song For Africa. I have attached some information about the event. Basically, we need to raise some funds to help build a clinic in Kenya. To do this, we are currently loading up our online store with t-shirts we printed on fair-trade, organic cotton fabrics made in a sweat-shop free facility in Bethlehem (you can see more about this factory here). We would be charging 20$ per shirt, and donating about 60% of the profits towards this fundraiser.

If we can get enough money, in September, one Agonist member will be skydiving in a media-hosted event involving other Canadian celebrities and artists.”



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