FASTER PUSSYCAT - New Video Interview Available

August 13, 2008, 16 years ago

news rock hard faster pussycat have uploaded a video interview they recently conducted with FASTER PUSSYCAT's Taime Downe and Danny Nordahl at the South Texas Rock Fest on July 12th. Head to this location to view.

As previously reported, Faster Pussycat are currently out on the road with LA GUNS. Remaining dates on the jaunt are as follows:


14 - venue tba - Kansas City, Missouri
15 - Iliff Park Saloon - Aurora, Colorado
16 - Sky City Casino - Acoma, New Mexico
17 - Bar Deluxe - Salt Lake City, Utah
18 - Knitting Factory - Boise, Idaho
19 - El Corazon - Seattle, Washington
20 - Hawthorne Theater - Portland, Oregon
21 - The Redding Convention Center - Redding, California
22 - Saint Rocke - Hermosa Beach, California
23 - Club Madrid (Sunset Station) - Las Vegas, Nevada
24 - Key Club - Hollywood, California

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