FORBIDDEN - "We Must Deliver The Record We Know We Can Make"

August 19, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news forbidden

San Francisco Bay Area thrashers FORBIDDEN have issued the following update from guitarist Craig Locicero:

"Hello All,

It's time for a re-cape and an update for what's on tap with Forbidden. First of all, we want to let everyone that went to our shows in Europe and gave of all of that Love, Thank You! That was a wonderful experience for everyone in the band. It's a Helluva honor to get that kind of response after going our separate ways in '97. People went ape sh1t crazy at the Festivals and our club gigs and every night was a high light reel. Plus we got a lot of good video. The Dynamo Club was one of the craziest gigs, but it's unfair to say what was the best because all of the Club's and the people treated us so well every night! Personally, I thought I would never go backwards and play with Forbidden again. Well, the old cliche 'never say never' pops in my head a lot now. I was mistaken and now we're happy we put forth the effort. Now we have a better grip on where we stand and how to prepare for next time. There will be a next time!

We have to give Mark Hernandez a HUGE and ringing endorsement for the way he handled his Drums and himself in general. He was great and a total professional. Mark received 100% support from us and the fans. I can't even begin to tell you all how many people said they never expected him to sound so good with the us. After all, he followed Gene Hoglan, and Gene was outstanding as well! And Gene followed Steve Jacobs who followed Paul Bostaph... you get the point. Big F'n shoes filled up just right. All of the guys impressed me. It was great to play with them again!

Speaking of Paul, we'll be playing two Shows with TESTAMENT and VOIVOD (one my my ALL time influences!) in Japan on December 20th and 21st. Mark will be with us again to sit behind the kit for these shows. He owns the material and deserves to spot. However, we're also talking to Paul about playing a song or two just for fun and because he was supposed to do this whole re-union run with us in the first place. It seems proper to have Paul jam with us, it's been 17 years since he was even in Forbidden. Obviously, Paul is in Testament and they are kicking ass! To me, Testament are representing the Bay Area as well as it's ever been represented. We're all stoked for the success of their new record. It paves a better road for the rest of us when somebody makes a record that good. So we'll see what happens there.

But before we go to Japan we're going to be doing our last Bay Area appearance at Slim's on September 12th. This date dropped into our laps late last week and we decided even though it's short notice, Why not? What the Hell!!! It will be good for us to jam in front of a crazy San Francisco crowed before embarking on our Japan adventure. Fresh faced Bay Area Thrash Kids, HATCHET, will be the support. This show will be like our gigs in Europe and consist of only material from Forbidden Evil and Twisted Into Form. This will be our last show in the Bay until time later next year. If you want to buy tickets go to, you never know who might show up and say hello...hehe....

One last thing. Obviously if you follow the band you've been hearing about the rumors of a new record. This was always a rumor up until after the tour. It's true that many labels have expressed interest in Forbidden. We're honored by it. But as far as we were concerned it was better to see how things went and then come home and re-evaluate everything. Everyone in the band either has different bands, jobs and families that take up a lot of time. Well, I can speak for myself when I tell you I'm now even more motivated then ever to write the next Forbidden record. If I was on the fence once we came home, I've since been pushed all the way over. But that's a daunting task and will be no easy job. We must deliver the record we know we can make. No rushing things. Just getting together a lot to hang out and be friends and get some serious work done. There will only be a few shows next year because we have to stay on course.

I've been joking with the guys and saying "Well it seems like the worlds about to implode again like it did back in the 80's." It's so F'n true! There is plenty of things that will help motivate us into making a record with the sense of urgency that will inspire something that we hope will turn out special. We will give it our best shot and see what we come up with. I've already been writing riffs and lyrics and I have to say it's going pretty well. There is a lot of fire now, and we intend on using it! But none of that will be worth anything if we all don't come together and put forth our best effort to date. It's worth a try!

See you all soon.

Craig and Forbidden."

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