EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt - "...I Feel That Our Country Is Run By A Bunch Of Morons"

August 22, 2008, 15 years ago

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Metal Exiles has issued an interview with EXODUS guitarist Gary Holt, conducted by Jeffrey Easton. The following is an excerpt:

Q: By going through the lyrics of The Atrocity Exhibition... Exhibit A, I see that you are still pissed off. What is keeping you in that state?

A: "Life in general, the list is to long. The world at large, mankind, my lack of respect, all fuel for the fire.

Q: You have a great vocalist in Rob Dukes. How much influence does Rob’s singing have on the way you write?

A: "A lot, just as much as the last one. Much more on this one considering I know what he is capable of and also knowing how hate filled something is that I might write Rob can bring it to life. It is totally liberating for me."

Q: Since you came back a few years ago with Tempo Of The Damned, you have been very politically fueled. Is the Bush Administration still pissing you off and what is pissing you off with it?

A: "It pisses me off to have the leader of the free world to be so retarded. Everytime I see him open his mouth I cringe. The rest of the world must laugh at how ignorant he is. At the same time I am far from liberal, I am very conservative in a lot of ways but I feel that our country is run by a bunch of morons."

Read the full interview at MetalExiles.com.

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