BODY OF SCARS - Rough Version Of New Track Available For Streaming

August 24, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news body of scars

BODY OF SCARS, the new Phoenix, Arizona-based band featuring JAG PANZER drummer Rikard Stjernquist and former 40 GRIT vocalist/guitarist James Santiago, have issued the following studio update:

"Rik's been sick for a couple weeks and wasn't 100% to play drums today so we invaded his space anyways and threw down on the v-amp anyways. Sounds like ass but crank it anyways. After a few times of listening the v-amp sounds better.

'Smoke And Mirrors':

1st solo - james

2nd - Randy

3rd- James

We'll start guitars tracks in 2-3 weeks. Drums = 12 down, 3 to go. Single track, crap mix, $100.00 v-amp for the guitar tones... could be worse. We had fun."

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