DESTRUCTION Guitarist MIKE SIFRINGER - "I'm Not A Big Fan Of That Kindergarten Metal Shit..."

August 30, 2008, 16 years ago

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UK -based recently caught up with DESTRUCTION guitarist Mike Sifringer to discuss the band's new album, D.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N. The following is an excerpt from the interview.

Q:What have been the early reactions to this album?

Mike: "Pretty good, because people are seeing that we're getting older and we've done so many fast songs in the past that we don't have to prove that we can play fast. That's why we turned the speed down a little and we tried different harmonies. We don't want to get bored ourselves, that's why we tried to change things around a little bit and not just play the same riffs that we have been doing for twenty years. We don't want to sound like we did back then because we are so much better now. But still, a lot of people ask us why we don't make an album like we did back then. Too many people live in the past (laughs). Actually, I do too, but I go further back. I like the seventies and sixties stuff."

Q: Is there a theme running through the album or does each song have its own meaning?

Mike: "There is a kind of a theme. We're not happy with what's happening on the planet. There is so much bullshit going on and we wrote about the problems with religion and politics. We wanted to tell people not to believe what the politicians say. It's heavy metal, after all, and I always thought heavy metal should have a little bit of protest, that's why I'm not a big fan of that kindergarten metal shit (hums an AOR tune) and I don't like lyrics about knights, castles and dragons. The only person who can do that is Ronnie James Dio, but he is allowed (laughs). At least he writes good lyrics that have deeper meaning, not like these bands that write storybook shit. It's not my cup of tea!"

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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