Massachusetts Man Fired Up Over JIMI HENDRIX Guitar Purchase

September 5, 2008, 16 years ago

news riff notes jimi hendrix

The following story is courtesy of Jessica Fargen from

This fire sale was music Danny Boucher’s ears.

The guitar enthusiast from Massachusetts outbid fellow high-rolling rock collectors for a Fender Stratocaster scorched by guitar god JIMI HENDRIX.

“It was owned and played by Jimi Hendrix. Enough said,” Boucher told the Herald in an e-mail yesterday, a day after making the purchase Thursday at a London auction.

The Central Massachusetts guitar broker, 51, paid $497,557 for the Stratocaster that Hendrix set ablaze during a concert in London in 1967. That same year Hendrix famously burned another guitar at the Monterey Pop festival - a scene memorialized on film.

Boucher, who buys and sells guitars, said the Hendrix instrument is not the most expensive guitar he has purchased.

Boucher made the trip to Britain especially for Thursday’s auction, which saw around 250 lots put up for auction, including a copy of THE BEATLES’ first contract with manager Brian Epstein, which sold for $426,478.

“I thought I’d have to pay a little bit more for it, actually. I am going to play it, I hope some of it rubs off on me,” Boucher told The Associated Press, after successfully bidding for Hendrix’s guitar.

Read more here.

(Photo by Tim Ireland)

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