HELHEIM Members Moonlighting This Weekend

September 11, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news helheim

Norwegian viking metallers HELHEIM have issued the following update:

"This weekend most of Helheim is playing with other bands.

V'gandr (bass/vocals) is TAAKE's (www.myspace.com/taakeofficial) steady bassplayer, and is doing a live show with them on Wolfszeit festival (www.wolfszeit-festival.de).

Hrymr (drums) is a guest artist on Syrach's 15-year jubileum (www.myspace.com/syrach). He played with them on their first demo, and will contribute to perform some of these tracks live at Garage tomorrow (Friday, September 12th).

Noralf (guitar) is a steady going member of SYRACH, and will of course be playing there tomorrow as well."

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