Heavy Metal Chick In New Zealand Turns Heads

September 12, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news

The following story is courtesy of Tvnz.co.nz:

The female lead guitarist of a Christchurch high school band is turning heads in the New Zealand music world.

Fifteen-year-old Sophia Di was part of the winning heavy metal band called BENEATH THE SILENCE that won this year's Rockquest Music final.

Sophia says she is an avowed heavy metal music lover and plays with all the gusto of a professional metal player, complete with the head banging.

"You get a really sore neck. But my neck's sort of built up resistance over a couple of years. I can do it better now," says Sophia.

A few days ago, Sophia's head was banging at its best and it was her slashing solo that stole the show.

Being just 15 and female, Sophia has became one of the most unique lead guitarists to ever win Rockquest.

And it's probably because heavy metal, Sophia's passion, is mainly dominated by young men.

"The metal-core bands we're into they're male dominated, but as our most metal rock & that side of music is generally male dominated," says Sophia.

But it's hardly surprising when you consider why she picked up the guitar in the first place.

"I wanted to be heard in the school orchestra when I was like nine-years-old and the guitarists even though they only played like "Smoke on the water" it was always real loud, and I thought, yep that's the way to be heard," says Sophia.

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