Legendary Photographer Fin Costello Discusses The Making Of KISS Alive

September 12, 2008, 16 years ago

news kiss rarities

Legendary photographer Fin Costello talks about the making of KISS Alive, its huge impact, and the RUSH/RAINBOW-controversy.

The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Q: One of your most famous pictures of all time, is the one that ended up being the album cover for KISS’ breakthrough-album, KISS Alive, from 1975. Unlike anything from their three first album covers, it captures the show, the music and their attitude perfectly. How did you end up working for KISS?

A: I went to live in USA in 1973 with DEEP PURPLE, who I was an art director and photographer for. And a graphic designer I knew was working on an album cover for KISS, called Dressed To Kill. He was very unhappy with it, because the picture was funny but not right. He told me to come and see them play, because they were playing at the Beacon Theatre in New York. That day I had been working with the Brecker Brothers, which is a jazz thing. So I went up there, with my camera and everything. And it was like Dante’s Inferno. As I walked in, I realized I had never seen nothing like it in my life. And this was just the first song.

By this time, they were completely broke. They had no money. I stayed in New York that night, processed the film in an overnight lab, and rang their manager Bill Aucoin in the morning. I told him who I was, mentioned some of my work, like Deep Purple’s Made In Japan, and said that I’d like to him show the pictures I took at the show the night before. He said, 'Sure'.

So I went up there, and their office was about half the size of this studio."

Q: Really? ‘Cause this is a very small studio.

A: "Yeah, but that was the KISS Empire. Joyce Biawitz (co-manager) and Bill Aucoin had desks standing against each other. Well, I showed them the photos, and I was smart enough to bring with me a projector from the graphic design place. I asked Aucoin where the projection room was, and he just laughed. Lovely man, by the way. He just laughed and said, 'project them against the wall'. I got about 4 pictures projected, and then he said, 'Don’t show me any more'. Then he rang Gene (Simmons) and said, 'Come on down here, I want you to meet this guy'.

So the four of them came down to Aucoin’s office. Ace (Frehley) arrived late and didn’t know what he was there for. But Paul (Stanley) and Gene were very sharp, Gene particularly. The minute he saw how I’d captured the show, he said, 'Right, we’re doing a live album. It’s a last chance-thing. If it works, we’re in business. If it doesn’t work, we’re dead'. Then we went to Detroit and we shot the live album in rehearsal. It’s not a live photograph."

Read the full interview at www.nrk.no.

(thanks: KISSNews.de)

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