Guitarist TOBY KNAPP - "I Will Not Be Playing Guitar For MAYHEM"

September 18, 2008, 16 years ago

news toby knapp riff notes mayhem

Guitarist TOBY KNAPP has issued the following update:

"To clarify a leak on the internet, I will not be playing guitar for Norway's MAYHEM. They contacted me some months back impressed with the music on my player and it looked as if a "one-off" gig filling in for the recently departed Blasphemper was going to happen in London, they gave me the setlist, my passport was double-checked by their promoters - and these promoters were supposed to take care of my flights into Norway and to depart from London. With all due respect to Mayhem, this gig was cancelled like many Mayhem shows are. I enthusiastically posted a blog about this very real possibility and great experience (and quickly removed it before the cancellation). A fan or close friend of the band began posting everywhere 'the new mayhem guitarist is a shredder from Wyoming' ......... I can't resist, another guitarist from Wyoming has taken the name shredder long ago (this is why I laugh at the sheer arrogance of these musicians around here) - ok, back to Mayhem; I am not angry with this fan who perpetuated the leak at all. Bottom line: to be acknowledged by Mayhem as an "awesome" talent is enough, many of my closest friends agree. This also caused a bit of stress because I am a creative force in GODLESS RISING, and our album is almost finished. Now we can freely book tours that I will be present for because the new album is fucking hot as hell and cannot be neglected."

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