September 19, 2008, 16 years ago
Philadelphia-based metallers RUMPELSTILTSKIN GRINDER have issued the following statement regarding their recent Lancaster, PA live date:
"Somehow they closed down the venue as we arrived. our set time was 9:00 and as we were carrying our gear to the stage at 8:30 they stopped us and said the show was over. We were talking to some staff members at 8:40 about the fucked up situation, completely ready to have everything ready to thrash in a matter of minutes. The people outside were ready for it....they fucking WAITED for it....but the club was set on closing down for the night.Why did this happen? because the club would save money if they closed early maybe? Is it total bullshit? absolutely. We got in peoples faces about it but the decision was made. We would have played on the street or at anyone's house if there was power.
We absolutely plan on coming back to Lancaster for a show. All the people we were hanging out with outside were great and we are sorry and pissed we had nowhere to thrash."