CAGE Singer Comments On New CD - "It's Faster And Heavier Than Ever Before"

September 21, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news cage cd

As reported earlier today, San Diego's CAGE have launched a new podcast site - the latest episode (found here) has a new song playing in the background. Singer Sean Peck has sent BW&BK; the following update regarding the band's follow-up to 2007's Hell Destroyer is due out in April 2009.

"As people have become accustomed to, the new CD is faster and heavier than ever before. The addition of ex-PSYCHOTIC WALTZ drummer Norm Leggio will instantly be noticed as the drum work is something that has never before been heard on a CAGE record. Lots of thrash beats, lots of speed and even some blast beats here and there. On the podcast we reveal the song title 'Stranger In Black' but it is yet to be determined if that will make the main record or just be a bonus track. Drums have all been recorded and we are halfway through with vocals and guitars. Just a little more writing remains along the way as well. This CD will be a drive fast, party hard, bang your head metal anthem sing along with lots of wailing vocals. The classic Cage sound has been captured but I think few will be able to say there is not a notable increase in aggression and rippingness!"

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