METAL CHURCH Frontman Breaks Down This Present Wasteland Track By Track

September 26, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news metal church

METAL CHURCH's new album, This Present Wasteland, is released in Europe today, September 26th via SPV Records.

The tracklisting is as follows: 'Killing Space', 'War Never Won', 'Meet Your Maker', 'Crawling To Extinction', 'Mass Hysteria', 'Breath Again', 'Deeds Of A Dead Soul', 'The Prophet And The Madman', 'Beneath The Silence', 'Tales Of A Stalker', 'King Of Lies', 'In The Company Of Sorrow', 'The Perfect Crime'.

Scribe Deb Rao has issued the following report, exclusively for BW&BK;:

It has been over 25 years since Metal Church burst onto the music scene and helped define the thrash metal scene in the 80's. Over the years, the band has gone through three different front man. Well, they say third time is the charm, as vocalist Ronny Munroe steps up to the plate for his third release with the legendary thrash band for the latest Metal Church release, This Present Wasteland.

This Present Wasteland picks up where, A Light In The Day Left Off left off. As Metal Church unveil an album embellished with powerful vocals and carefully orchestrated guitar riffs that reflect the signature sound of Metal Church in a brand new light. This Present Wasteland features different moods and emotions that are centered around the state of the world today. Brutally honest and real, Metal Church stick to what they do best, playing great metallic riffs with powerful vocals on an album that will re-enforce the strength of the thrash rockers and open the doors to a whole new generation of metal fans that will identify with the heartfelt lyrics and message that transpires from This Present Wasteland.

The current line-up of Metal Church features Ronny Munroe on vocals, guitarist Kurdt Vanderhoof, Rick Van Zandt who replaced Jay Reynolds, Steve Unger on bass, and Jeff Plate on drums.

From the opening thrash track, 'The Company Of Sorrow', Metal Church proves still after 25 years they are at the top of the game. The chemistry of the band kicks in on this album, making it a very compelling release with a slick commercial sound.

I couldn't help but notice the Maiden-ish guitar riffs and vocals on the driving 'Perfect Crime' and 'Monster'. Metal Church return to the 80's retro sound with a HEAVEN AND HELL-ish type ballad that is rich in guitar riffs, and a vocal approach that reminded me a lot of BRUCE DICKINSON on Deeds Of A Dead Soul.

One of the most outstanding songs on This Present Wasteland"is the song 'Breath Again'. Melodic and spellbinding, Munroe shows his vocal prowlness infused with much emotion.

Metal Church has always had a cult following of die-hard fans, as the band show their appreciation of their support throughout their career on the final track 'Congregation'.

I recently spoke to Metal Church frontman Ronny Munroe regarding the release of This Present Wasteland. Ronny breaks down the tracks, in this exclusive for

Q: Ronny, Thank you so much for checking in with We are really excited about the new Metal Church album. They say third time is the charm; this is your third album with Metal Church. I have to commend you on your outstanding vocals. As an artist, what did you want to bring different to the mix on This Present Wasteland that was different from "A Light In The Dark", and "The Weight of The World"?

Munroe: "Well, to be honest with you Deb, there was just no really pre-conceived notion on what I was going to do, or how I was going to approach it. When I go into the studio, I just go in and try and do the best that I can and just live up to the standards that Metal Church has set before. Also of course, with each album you want it to be better than the last. This time around I felt a lot more relaxed in the studio. I am more of a live guy. I really don't like the studio but of course it is necessity. This time I was really able to set this aside and relax a lot. Pretty much just swirl what I had into it."

Q: I think you captured the live energy on this album. Everyone is giving 100 percent. What are your thoughts on this?

Munroe: "I appreciate you saying that. I don't know if I really bright the true live thing there. I work a lot more comfortable and was able just to forget about having the headphones on and not being able to grab the microphone. Basically, I just went for it".

Q: I noticed too, the chemistry of the band in on This Present Wasteland really shines on this album. Guitar solos are back. Did you have any special guest stars on this album?

Munroe: "You are right about the guitar solos. We had a couple of guest solo spots. On the song,” Mass Hysteria", Chris Caffrey did the solo, on the song "Congregation" that closes the record out there is Matt Leff who is a friend of Jeff Plate's who I believed played in Wicked Witch. On "Monster" that is Angus Clarke, who plays in TSO on the West Coast. So we have three guest solo spots and all the rest of the solos are done by Rick Van Zandt. In my opinion, his solo on "Deeds Of A Dead Man", is right up there with one of the best solos ever done in my opinion."

Q: Let's discuss the writing process. Over how long a time period was This Present Wasteland written?

Munroe: "We started a little over a year ago. How that all started, Kurdt just calls me and says Ronny," I am going to start writing the new record." That is all that consists of and basically within two days I've got within two to three or four fully produced songs to start writing melody lines and lyrics to."

Q: How did the way of the world and the state of chaos that we are in today have effect on theme of the album?

Munroe: "Yes, pretty much all of the songs are pretty much based on what is going on in the world today. This Present Wasteland pretty much explains it. The state of the world today, war, and religion and the computer age. The song,” Monster" is the one song that Kurdt did write the lyrics in and music for. That one song in particular is based on The Internet. The downfalls of it and the good things about it. That is what the premise of that is. They are all loosely based on current events. That is what I write a lot about. Things that are going on that I see from my perspective. Things with inner struggles in life and always trying to move on."

Q: Ronny, You have had amazing summer performing at Rock the Bayou and Rocklahoma. Tell me about performing at these festivals and how they compare to European Festivals.

Munroe: "I played Rocklahoma with my solo band. Then I went to Texas and did one of my songs "Demon Opera" with my good friends Azrael Bane. They are out of Texas. They invited me out and I learned one of my songs and they learned one of my songs. First of all, I will say that Rocklahoma and Rock The Bayou, in America we need more festivals like these. Europe is full of them. As far as Rocklahoma went, I had a great time. We played about 5:30 P.M. in the afternoon. I played Retrospect Records, one of the smaller stages. We had a decent crowd. People showed up with Metal Church Cd's and things like that for me to sign. It was really cool. But luckily we got to play on Friday, because the storm hit on Saturday. We really lucked out, the next day we went just to watch some bands, and the tornado hit. There were high winds, both side stages blew down. Luckily no one was hurt. At Rocklahoma, the people there were very good people. They got the stages set up in a different area, so the rest of the bands were able to continue. All in all, it was a great time. With regards to European audiences, fans are fans. True metal heads are true metal heads, no matter where you are at. But I will say that in Europe, they really study up on their metal. They really do. If you mess up on any of the songs, they will tell you about it. They don't have a problem walking up and saying,” You screwed up." (Laughter) Because I have watched them before and they just sit and sing every word. Grunge never took over Europe. It did in America. It killed Metal. Even though there was an underground scene, there always has been and always will be. Europe never really let that come between them. Although, they are listening to a lot of rap, over there I am told."

Q: Tell us about your upcoming acoustic show on October 4 with Rick Van Zandt in Castro Valley Center For The Arts for the benefit for the Rotary Kids Breakfast Club.

Munroe: "Yes, it is here in Castro Valley, where I live. It is a benefit for The Kids Breakfast Club that Rick and I are going to do. It is almost sold-out, which is very cool. It goes to underprivileged children to make sure that they have a good breakfast in the morning and also helps with tutoring for the students themselves and for their families. They asked me to be involved and I said of course, because I love kids. We are going to do about four songs, a couple of Metal Church songs and a couple of my songs".

Q: How is the music scene in the Bay area these days? Metal Church survived the grunge era, and still has maintained their fan base for over 25 years?

Munroe: "Metal went away in the 90's. We all know that, but it has been making a full comeback. In my opinion, from what I have seen from the last couple of years, metal is really making a strong comeback. Especially with the release of the new Testament, Def Angel, Metal Church, and I think there are a couple from the old school with new releases out. Metal is coming back with a vengeance. It is really good to see."

Q: Upon listening to the new Metal Church album, I wanted to mention that you have you have your own unique sound. You don't sound like the David or Mike. I think you bring something unique to the band for 2008. We are in a different world today. Metal Church is still thrash but I really like the new sound. You are not a clone, which is good. Over your 28 years as a performer, how did your influences come into play in writing the new album?

Munroe: "That is funny, because you are not the only person that has said that. A lot of the European press now considers me the singer because I have done 3 records with the band. (Laugher) I am like,” What about the other two records? Wasn't I singing on those?" (Laughter) I can joke about it now! Because I find it funny.

Q: On this record, I think it all finally comes together. Do you agree?

Munroe: "You are right. I hear what you are saying and you are correct. This one when I listen to it. I read the lyrics. I am very proud of this record. I can't wait for the next one. Because I want to strive, Kurdt and I will make the next one even better than this one, if that is possible.

Q: Ronny, How would you best describe Metal Church 2008 to the fans?

Munroe: "A band that is one the verge of something big. I really hope that happens one of these days soon. Since I have been in the band, we never have really been able to secure an opening slot for a major act like Maiden or Priest. Maybe I am dreaming, but I think that would be a perfect fit. Once we can actually accomplish that, I really believe that any band that gets out there playing to thousands a people a night in coliseums in opposed to playing clubs the more visible you are the more fans you are going to get. That is all this band really needs. Other than that to describe is we are a hardworking great band. When we play live everything comes together. We are unstoppable. This is definitely the best band I have been in. I hope that 2008 really sky rockets us to at least past where we have been.

Q: Ronny, Let's break down, This Present Wasteland track by track for the readers.

l. 'In The Company Of Sorrow' - "First of all, I think that is a very Metallic riff. That is one of the heavier riffs on there. It kind of reminds me a little bit like a Metallica riff. I need to mention Metallica, as one of the best Bay Area bands. I like the whole new Metal Church album. There are filler songs on records, in my opinion; I don't think there are any filler songs on this record. There are stronger ones than others, but I like every song on this. I am able to listen to it. For me to be able to sit and listen to myself that says something. Because normally, after I am done I don't listen. I pick it apart." (Laughter)

2. 'Perfect Crime' - "Basically, the whole perfect crime thing is basically how society wears a mask. We are always trying to get away with stuff. A lot of us think we are never going to be found out. We think we have fooled all of mankind, and we have created the perfect crime, in our minds."

3.'Deeds Of A Dead Soul" - "This song is the longest song on the record. It is about nine minutes, I believe. This song has a Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell kind of feel. With a bit of a Zeppelin feel on the pre-chorus to me. The lyrics are written basically, when you have evil people walking the earth, and they have done a lot of bad things. They have followers. It is kind of written about, when those certain people pass on, and they die that they still have a power over the living. So that is 'Deeds of A Dead Soul", even thou a person is gone, they are still reeking havoc upon the earth."

4. 'Meet Your Maker' - “ You better change your ways or you are going to hell." (Laughter)

5. 'Monster' - This is the one that Kurdt wrote the lyrics too and Angus Clarke played the guitar solo on. Kurdt wrote the lyrics about the Internet. The do's and don'ts, good points and the bad points and how it rules our lives these days."

6. 'Crawling Into Extinction' - " That one right there is self explanatory. It is going to extinction, this world with the war, religious wars, and just fighting amongst ourselves in general. We all know the world is going to end one day anyway, we just don't know when. We are basically crawling to extinction." It can be taken two ways, world war or personal struggle. Because no matter the outcome of a war, whether is personal or world, there is no winner."

7. 'Mass Hysteria' - "That one was first entiled,'Witch Hunter'. Then I saw my Saxon Cd's and I realized, I couldn’t call it that. (Laughter) That is the state of the world right now. We are in Mass Hysteria."

8. 'Breathe Again' - "This is my favorite track on the record. I think it sounds very Maidenish. The words are kind of personal to me. We have all lost a loved one in our lives. It is a message for me and whoever lost loved ones. We all struggle with that, after we lose someone. Basically, this was my state of mind, after my Mom passed many years ago. I finally realized, you can't be like this. You shouldn't be depressed. Stop going through this. She is in a better place.That is kind of just want I wanted to say. I am not trying to preach or anything. I think it is kind of cool to let people know, that when people pass on they are not gone from your heart, they are there. They are walking beside you. You can always still talk to them and look up to the sky. So "I'm Free Again Breathe Again" is basically just saying when I was able to let go and the realization hit me."

9. 'Congregation' - "That is dedicated to the fans. I wrote it for the fans that we have had for so many years. The ones who have gone through the line-up changes, the missed tours, all the real die-hard Metal Church fans. I wanted to give a shout out because the Congregation is the name of our fan club!"

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