Former NARNIA Frontman CHRISTIAN LILJEGREN Issues Update

September 29, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news narnia christian liljegren

Former NARNIA frontman CHRISTIAN LILJEGREN has issued the following update:

"Hi everybody!

I know it has been a big silence since from me the last months since the news came out that I am not fronting Narnia anymore. See Narnia's MySpace site for my statement.

What is happening now?

I am working on my 2nd solo album in Swedish called Levande (Alive) together with my close friend and keyboardplayer Olov Andersson. The album will be released during 2009 and concerts are planned to promote the album.

I have also joined forces with my brother Simeon Liljegren again. We played together for many years in BORDERLINE and MODEST ATTRACTION. I am really excited for this and looking forward to play live and record new material. It will be melodic 70s and 80s hardrock and metal with symphonic touch with lots of harmony vocals like THE SWEET and QUEEN.

We will use the AUDIOVISION name and fans out there will get explosive concerts with material from all the bands I have been involved during the years such as Narnia, DIVINEFIRE, Modest Attraction, Borderline, FLAGSHIP and WISDOM CALL. Finally many songs fans have been waiting for to hear live will come true. I will keep you updated of Audiovision activities and tour dates that will happen in 2009.

I will also be doing vocals together with Thomas Vikstrom on the new 7 Days album by MARKUS SIGFRIDSSON. The album is planned to be out during 2009.

Otherwise I have a new job as Music Consulent for NBV Sörmland where I am coaching bands. I have also moved my office and warehouse to Kungsor - 1st of September. Kungsor is located 150 km from Stockholm. It's a calm place and I am feeling relaxed to live there.

More news from me and the label in a near future."

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