Italian KISS Army Speaks With Eddie Trunk

October 1, 2008, 15 years ago

news rock hard kiss

KISS News has issued the following interview with radio personality Eddie Trunk, conducted by Fabio "Deuce" from the Italian KISS Army:

"First of all thanks so much for dedicating some of your time to me and to the Italian KISS ARMY. Some of us know you very well being one of the most notable KISS fans in the USA!!! I wish to let other Italian folk (many who still do not know English so well) to meet you.

Q: Could you briefly tell us who you are and which are your main current activities?

A: "I have been in the music business in the USA for 25 years. My jobs have included music radio, retail, writing, record label and TV. I was VP of Megaforce Records from 1986-1990 and my first signing was ACE FREHLEY. Worked on all four solo releases. Currently I have two national radio shows. One live from New York City on Q104.3 and syndicated stations, one live on XM satellite radio. I was a music TV host for VH1 Classic from 2001-2005. I have a brand new show coming to the channel November of this year called "That Metal Show". Its a roundtable discussion with rock and metal artists. Two very funny comics as co-hosts."

Q: You are a long time fan, since the early days. Most of us knew KISS for the first time only in the late ’70, with the “disco hit” 'I Was Made For Loving You'. When did you hit by KISS for the very first time and which are your memory of those times.

A: "I was in 7th grade. Walking home from school with a friend who stopped in to a record store to buy what was then the new KISS album Rock And Roll Over. He suggested I check out the band and I purchased Destroyer. Next day I went back and had my parents buy me every album they had and it was all consuming then. Prior to KISS I had just been listening to pop bands. My first favorite group was a band called THE RASPBERRIES, but when I heard and saw KISS it changed everything, but Raspberries still have some great music!"

Q: We finally have the chance to see KISS again on tour last year after almost 9 years. You, on the other hand saw many concerts and tours. What do you think of this latest (last?) line up?

A: "I think the current band sounds great and Tommy and Eric are great players. I have known them both for years. My only issue with the present lineup is that I wish Tommy and Eric has their own identity like Eric or Vinnie did. Doesn't sit right with me to see these guys play the role of someone else. I know it's not their decision, but I would be much more into it if they were not dressed as Ace and Peter and were their own persona. Just looks and feels wrong to me, but that's just my opinion."

Q: Are you planning to have some interviews with some of them in the near future?

A: "KISS members past and present are always welcome on my shows. They have all been on over the years and I am proud to be one of the true real supporters of their music on radio. The door is always open if they want to come on but it's up to them, not me."

Hope to get in touch with you soon for exiting news about Ace new solo effort and possibly a new KISS world wide tour!!! Eddie, thanks again for your time and, as you said to me you are half Italian, please come here and be my guest when ever you want!!!

Keep in touch, Deuce."

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