Ex-L.A. GUNS Singer PAUL BLACK - "I Will Join The Group Of Countless Musicians Who Will Never Play With TRACII GUNS Again"

October 8, 2008, 15 years ago

news rock hard guns tracii guns paul black

SleazeRoxx.com recently spoke with ex-L.A. GUNS singer Paul Black about his departure from the band and his new project. The following is an excerpt from the interview.

Black: "After Mexico I went back to Canada to finish the L.A. Guns record. But, when I got there I discovered Tracii (Guns) was all over the internet accusing me of betraying the band and telling Alexis Records they had a new singer. Tracii and the rest of the band would not even face me. It was quite a set up. Anyway, our label was not happy and told them, 'nothing doing, Paul Black isn't going anywhere'. But, with Chad, Tracii and the rest of the band turning on me like that, it completely destroyed the relationship and there was no repairing it. It was all exactly as it happened 20 years ago.

So, Alexis offered me my own record deal and I headed home to put my own band back together. I called Muddy and Jo. Muddy brought in a great drummer, Dennis Morehouse, and it's the best band I've ever had. It all worked out great. We're planning to go back to Canada in a couple months to do the record of our lives."

Sleaze Roxx: Do you think when Tracii told you to go to Mexico and play the gig that he assumed you were doing the all-star jam and not playing as L.A. Guns? Who played with you as L.A. Guns that night?

Black: "L.A. Guns is in the past for me. What's important is right now. Musically the future is looking good. I'm looking forward to a reunion show with Black Cherry at the Viper Room in Hollywood on October 16th and I'm really excited about my new band. Not just musically, but spiritually as well. I should have had this band 25 years ago.

To answer your question though, Mexico is a red herring. It's merely a distraction to cover up what they were already planning to do. The line-up was Chad Stewart, Muddy, Michael Thomas and me. Danny Nordahl sat in and sang a song as well but we didn't play as L.A. Guns. The accusations are ridiculous anyway. I was a founding member and current member of the band. Tracii has been using the name without me for over 20 years. He's been playing my songs and taking credit for them as well. I finally buried the hatchet with him and forgave him for stabbing me in the back during our Polygram deal only to have him do the same thing all over again. I guess some people never change."

Sleaze Roxx: Is there any way on Earth you will play with Tracii Guns again?

Black: "Tracii hasn't changed in 20 years. I don't think he'll ever change. Because of his egotistical disregard for others, I believe I will join the group of countless musicians who will never play with him again."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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