LIZZY BORDEN - "We're Not Listening To The Record Label Or Anyone Else From Now On"

October 9, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news lizzy borden's Marko Syrjälä and Arto Lehtinen have issued an interview LIZZY BORDEN. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Q: First of all, welcome back to the Scandinavia, at last!

A: "Finally! After 25 years we finally made it!"

Q: Actually, as far as I remember, you were in Scandinavia doing a promo for Master Of Disguise in 1989, right?

A: "Hmmm, I can’t remember…. Yeah, I’m not sure, it was so long ago!"

Q: Anyway, this is your first time here playing shows in here. Why has it taken so damn long?

A: "You know, I have to blame the record label because every time we put a record out and we want to tour every country in Europe, the record label says 'No. Don’t come, no one wants to see you. Don’t bother.' And they keep saying it, they just said it recently 'Don’t come, no one wants to see you.' And it’s like OK; we were stupid for listening because obviously there is an audience here in Sweden and in other countries."

Q: If you don’t do any gigs you don’t sell any albums, if you don’t sell any albums no one will come to see your shows… the same old story!

A: "That’s what I kept telling them 'We need to play' and they said, 'Don’t, no one cares”'and that’s totally wrong. I mean, if people see us they’ll be more inclined to know the songs, buy the albums, be part of the show. (The audience is) the 6th member of the band, a lot of them out there don’t even know the songs but they’re involved in the show. It is tragic that they don’t know the songs but hopefully we are going to fix that. We’re not listening to the record label or anyone else from now on. We are coming here and we’re working with someone right now to book October/November. I don’t even know who these people are but I don’t care, we’re coming."

Read the full interview and check out more photos at

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