RISE TO ADDICTION Issue Studio Update

October 10, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news rise to addiction

UK metallers RISE TO ADDICTION check in with the following studio update from frontman Leigh Oates:

"Thought I would give you all an update on the new album!

I'm currently recording the vocals and it's going great, we're using a new mic I bought by Rode and it's hitting the spot! The vocals are being done pretty much live so we capture the energy of the performance - so far so good!

Ayns laid the drums down a while ago and did a great job; the sounds we're working with are top notch as always – very real and attacking. His Premier kit really is the dogs bollocks.

All the guitars have been finished for some time now bar Steve and Johns shape throwing solos! We tracked using my good friend Andy Stone's (NINEDENINE) Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier which is still my favourite sounding amp, we used the same model on the last album. We mic'ed this up through a Marshall 4x12 and got really cranked and rowdy for that real live tone. No POD processing here!

Joel has finished all the bass and has done a great job in underpinning this whole thing. Ampeg is of course the amp of choice!

I'll be recording vocals over the next week or so then we bring it all together for the mix. As an experienced engineer I'm really happy with all the sounds we've got and the mix should be exciting. I can't wait for you to hear 10 new RTA songs!"

Rise To Addiction are currently working on the follow-up to 2007's A New Shade Of Black For The Soul. Some new song-titles include: 'Fade Away', 'Fallen From Grace', 'Home', 'Indelible', 'Numb', 'One More Time', 'Outside', 'Scars We Wear', 'Sick Of Me',

'The Whisper'.

Further updates to follow.

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