TORTURE DIVISION - Guitars Recorded For New Album

October 22, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news torture division

Sweden's TORTURE DIVISION, which features in it's ranks guitarist Lord K. Philipson (THE PROJECT HATE, GOD AMONG INSECTS, ex-LEUKEMIA), bassist/vocalist Jörgen Sandström (VICIOUS ART, The Project Hate, ex-ENTOMBED, GRAVE) and drummer Tobias "Tobben" Gustafsson (VOMITORY), have checked in from the studio:

"The Lord finished up his work today and will now ship the files to Mr. Sandström so he can further enhance the world’s best death metal. We are not completely sure (aka not sure at fucken all) when he will put down his stuff but are hoping for some time soon. K wants to thank his wonderful Ibanez Xiphos for once again answering to the expectations one can have when it comes to guitars. Yes, that was a shameless plug. While we are at it, thanx to the MT2, the DS1 and the DBX compressor thingie for giving K a killer sound as always too. Oh, and the Korg tuner. Can’t forget that one. Stay tuned for more information on the recording process."

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