GMT - Evil Twin Press Release Issued

October 24, 2008, 15 years ago

news rock hard gmt

GMT - featuring guitar legend Bernie Torme (ex-OZZY OSBOURNE, IAN GILLAN, DESPERADO), singer John McCoy: (ex-Gillan, MAMMOTH, SAMPSON, JOEY BELLADONNA, ATOMIC ROOSTER) and drummer Robin Guy (ex-BRUCE DICKINSON, FAITH NO MORE) have set November 17th as the release date for their new album, Evil Twin.

The following press release has been issued:

Guy McCoy Tormé (GMT): Evil Twin

We've said it before, we'll say it again: Hard Rock, Heavy Rock, Biker Rock, Classic Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Punk Rock.... whatever! GMT Rocks!

The follow up to Guy McCoy Torme's (GMT) acclaimed debut Bitter & Twisted would be a daunting task to some, however GMT (featuring lunatic guitarist/frontman Bernie Torme, larger and louder than life bassist John McCoy and Hero in his own Lunchbox drummer Robin Guy) are no ordinary band.

Evil Twin is no ordinary 'second record' - packing a massive punch with raucous opener 'Punko Rocco' (feat. TWISTED SISTER's Dee Snider!),it takes you on a sonic journey straight into the title track - involving ragga beats & tabla percussion before it smashes you in the guts with the lyric "You trouble trouble before trouble troubles you..."

GMT prove that with a basic 3-piece band, you can still do unheard of things - one minute it's a white-knuckle rollercoaster ride,with Robin doing his best KEITH MOON on 'You Can't Hold Me', then next stop is an epic blues-based tale ('Perfumed Garden') invoking the Dartford Tunnel...

There's even an ode to bassist John McCoy closing the album in true sing-a-long style - GMT prove they have the songs, style and humour

Bernie: "Some of our most delicate playing has come out on this record, but at the same time, some of our most ferocious rocking too - it lulls you into a sense of security and then smashes your skull open!"

Robin: "There's the trademark GMT jams where we all got the most magical live take recorded (despite me still not knowing the songs...!)"

John: "I don't know how we do it, but in all the bands I've been in, this is the one where we just do it!"

So, whether you like the Bull-in-a-China-Shop approach, or the Softly-Softly-Catchy-Bull-in-a-China-Shop approach, GMT's aptly-titled Evil Twin caters for all.

GMT rocks!

Evil Twin rocks!

Pre-orders for the album can be placed at this location.

GMT recently secured a deal in the US with Koch Entertainment Distribution for the release of Evil Twin. Further details to follow.

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