In Conversation with F5's Jimmy DeGrasso And David Ellefson

October 25, 2008, 15 years ago

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Inside Out's Cameron Edney spoke with F5 members, former MEGADETH bassist David Ellefson and ex-Megadeth drummer Jimmy DeGrasso. The following is his report:

"Every now and then I get to do something a little bit different and this was certainly one of those cases. After four years of conducting interviews, I was about to do conference calls with two of thrash metal’s iconic musicians... David Ellefson and Jimmy DeGrasso!

If neither of those names rings a bell then you are on the wrong website right now! Both David and Jimmy have been in the business for well over twenty five years and have influenced more people than I could ever mention. Recording and playing with bands such as Megadeth, Soulfly, Suicidal Tendencies, Alice Cooper, Alice In Chains, Temple Of Brutality and David Lee Roth has earned them both their rightful places in heavy metal history.

Years after working together with thrash royalty Megadeth, Ellefson and DeGrasso are back together making metal for the masses with F5.

Earlier this year F5 released their second album The Reckoning, heavier than the band’s debut A Drug For All Seasons, The Reckoning was well received by fans of both guys past work and it opened up the eyes to thousands more who were not aware of F5’s existence. There is no doubt that with outstanding songs such as ‘Rank and File’, ‘Love is Dead’ and ‘Control’, The Reckoning will be classed as one of the better metal albums to be released in 2008.

After speaking with Dave and Jimmy for what seemed like only a few minutes, I got an insight to another side of these thrashers that I had never before witnessed. We discussed so many different topics as you will see and both guys were not backwards in coming forwards by any means. We discussed the latest kick ass F5 album The Reckoning, their love for Australia, touring with so many influential artists, parenthood and much more, we spoke about so much that we have decided to make this our halloween double creature feature interview for 2008 .

The time has come to discuss."

Check out Cameron's interview with the F5 guys at the following locations: The Reckoning Pt. 1, The Reckoning Pt. 2.

F5 recently released their new video for the song 'The Reckoning' - click below to view.

The song is the title track to the band's new album, The Reckoning', which was released on August 19th via OarFin Distribution.

The Reckoning (artwork at left) features the following tracklisting: 'No Excuse', 'I Am The Taker', 'The Reckoning', 'My End', 'Love Is Dead', 'Through Hell', 'Rank And File', 'Wake Up', 'Cause For Concern', 'Control', 'Final Hour'.

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