THE HUMAN CONDITION Call It A Day; Final Performance Scheduled

October 27, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news the human condition

Arizona's THE HUMAN CONDITION, featuring former SACRED REICH guitarist Wiley Arnett, have issued the following update:

"What can we say humans, it been a hell of a ride! On November 2nd, 2008 The Human Condition will take the stage for the last time. Due to the poor economy, we will be burning our instruments this winter to heat our homes. C'mon, it's a joke!

The truth is our beloved bass player Scott Twitty is moving out of state early in 2009 to be closer to his son. Ry, Muley and I have been wrestling with conflicting schedules that has made it tough to write new material or reach collective goals. As individuals we have all entertained other musical possibilities that may now be explored. There are no ill feelings between us band members and we all reserve the right to enroll each other into future endeavors.

We hope you will (or did) join us in celebrating this special night. We are honored to have THC's original vocalist Pat Flannery (AKA "Prophet" from St. Madness) joining us on stage to rock a song and authentically relive human history. Pat recently joined us at rehearsal and nailed "Godmode" from our self titled début CD released in 2003. We have worked on an hour set that includes some rarely performed tracks including "Let it Die" and "Right to Live". If you have shared a few metal weekends with us in the past you won't want to miss this special final performance.

This band has been a very special part of my life for the better part of 8 years. There are many rewarding aspects to being in a band. The creative outlet afforded in writing, the rush of a live performance, connecting with people musically and even personal growth. One aspect rarely addressed is the unique comorodity shared when a bunch of creative characters pursue a common goal. I will certainly miss the comorodity and chemistry enjoyed when hanging out with Twitty, Ry and Muley. We shared in a great experience that bonds us for life.

We will continue to upload different musical offerings from our three disk catalog consisting of 20 tracks here on myspace. Any spin off bands resulting from the dis-banding of The Human Condition will likely make their first public introduction here. We hope you will keep us as a friend (or add us) and visit the page from time to time and enjoy the music we loved recording."

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