AEROSMITH Guitarist JOE PERRY Talks Writing New Memoir - " I Thought It Was Something You Did When You Quit Your Career And You Were Done"

January 1, 2015, 9 years ago

news aerosmith joe perry hard rock

AEROSMITH Guitarist JOE PERRY Talks Writing New Memoir - " I Thought It Was Something You Did When You Quit Your Career And You Were Done"

Patricia Sheridan at the Watertown Daily Times recently caught up with Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry to discuss his new memoir, Rocks: My Life In and Out of Aerosmith. An excerpt from the interview is available below:

Q: Were you concerned what the band members would think?

Perry: "Certainly. I wanted to get down at least from my perspective what was going on. I had been wanting to do it for a long time. I thought it was something you did when you quit your career and you were done. Then I realized we are still winding our way through this crazy music business and we have all these fans from every generation. There’s no stopping here. Twenty years ago, I wouldn’t have written it. My kids were too young. I didn’t want the parents of their friends reading some of that stuff."

Q: Do you know if Steven Tyler liked the book?

Perry: "I’ll know when I start hanging around with him more. It’s kind of hard to tell. I’m sure he respects the whole book. I don’t like putting words in other people’s mouths, but my gut tells me there is stuff in there that he doesn’t like and stuff in there he is probably proud is in there. He knows all the stuff in there is at least my truth. He knows what his truth is. I mean, he wrote a book that put down everything he felt. If there is stuff he doesn’t agree with, that is his option."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

In a recent interview with longtime broadcaster Larry King, Perry discussed Rocks: My Life In And Out Of Aerosmith, playing with Paul McCartney, friction with singer Steven Tyler and his craziest groupie moment.

“We had a lot of trouble separating our musical differences from our personal lives,” says Perry about his relationship with Tyler. “We still have our rough spots, but I accept the way he is, just the way he accepts the way I am. I have to take as much responsibility for the bumps on the road as he does.”

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