AEROSMITH’s Steven Tyler - “I'm A Better Drug Addict And Alcoholic Than I Am A Musician”

October 20, 2014, 9 years ago

news hard rock aerosmith steven tyler

AEROSMITH’s Steven Tyler - “I'm A Better Drug Addict And Alcoholic Than I Am A Musician”

In a new interview with Billboard, legendary Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler talks about alcohol and drug addiction, as he addressed 11 Maui Drug Court graduates and their families last week in 2nd Circuit Court.

As a guest speaker at the 49th Maui/Moloka'i Drug Court program graduation, Tyler encouraged graduates to continue in their recovery, in part by attending Alcoholics Anonymous and other support group meetings, as he does.

"If you stop going to AA meetings, you're going to wind up using again," he said.

The Drug Court marked a milestone Thursday with the 500th graduate of the program that began on Maui in August 2000.

Tyler began "getting high" in 1964. "By 1984, I was 126 pounds, shooting cocaine," when he first went into a rehabilitation center, Tyler said.

"They weren't rehabs," he said. "They were mental institutions where people that sat next to me had dribble bibs."

Later, he relapsed. "I had it all. I didn't care," he said. "And I hurt my family and my children and my friends. If it wasn't for the program of AA, I would have nothing.

"I'm a better drug addict and alcoholic than I am a musician. I got to keep it in check."

Read more at Billboard.


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