AFTERMATH Warns The Masses In New "Diethanasia" Video Update

April 23, 2020, 4 years ago

news aftermath heavy metal

AFTERMATH Warns The Masses In New "Diethanasia" Video Update

"As a kid I always questioned and challenged authority. That’s one thing that never changed for me," says Aftermath vocalist Kyriakos "Charlie" Tsiolis.

"I’m a cynic and that has led to my search for the truth. I have been on a path to answer questions I have had for years. That search has led to some horrifying realities. The quest for the truth and the answers I have uncovered led to our latest album called There Is Something Wrong. It is a concept record that challenges the listener to question everything and to never believe the official story just because your government or media tells you to. From the Fed to organized religion to Agenda 2030, the lyrics expose it all."

He continues, "The song 'Diethansia' was written three years ago. If you listen to the lyrics it is literally about what is happening today. Bill Gates and his followers have been preaching and warning about a global pandemic for years. His attempt to scare the masses into a global vaccinated world that includes microchips used to track us should frighten us all. He is manipulating and distorting facts to justify 'his vaccine' and their ultimate plan. Diethansia was written to warn everyone about this plan. They talk about sustainable development and population stabilization. Those phrases are meant to sound like solutions to a problem – a way to help the planet. They aren’t. Do you trust Big Pharma to save you? Do you believe a computer salesman will save you? It is time to wake up and question everything."

"The lyrics in the song are not meant as an indictment of all lawyers, doctors, media, etc. The attack is meant for the few within those professions that aren’t interested in helping humanity, but instead destroying it."


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