ALICE COOPER Guitarist NITA STRAUSS Talks New Solo Album - "I've Been Someone Else's Guitar Player My Whole Life"

December 29, 2018, 5 years ago

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ALICE COOPER Guitarist NITA STRAUSS Talks New Solo Album - "I've Been Someone Else's Guitar Player My Whole Life"

Alice Cooper guitarist Nita Strauss recently appeared on WSOU to idscuss her new solo album, Controlled Chaos, her creative process, and her motivation to make the album. Check out the interview using the widget below.

Nita's new solo album, Controlled Chaos, is out now via Sumerian Records. Order the album here.

Says Nita: "Producing and doing the majority of the engineering on this record myself was a challenge for me in so many ways and I learned A LOT about myself in the process but I am beyond overjoyed with how it came out!"


"Prepare For War"
"Our Most Desperate Hour"
"Mariana Trench"
"Here With You"
"The Stillness At The End"
"The Quest"
"Hope Grows"
"Lion Among Wolves"
"Pandemonium 2.0"
"The Show Must Go On"

"Mariana Trench"

"The Quest":

"Pandemonium 2.0"

"Our Most Desperate Hour" video:

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