ALICE COOPER Talks Alcoholism, Depression And "Hey Stoopid" - "I've Gotten So Many Emails: 'That Song Saved My Life'" (Video)

January 26, 2017, 7 years ago

news alice cooper hard rock

ALICE COOPER Talks Alcoholism, Depression And "Hey Stoopid" - "I've Gotten So Many Emails: 'That Song Saved My Life'" (Video)

Shock rock legend Alice Cooper recently spoke with CTV news about his battle with alcoholism and depression as part of Bell Canada's Let's Talk campaign. Check out the interview below

Cooper: “I was in generation where we looked at our big brothers. My big brothers were Jim Morrison and Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin. And they were already doing every drug in the world and drinking every day and living this lifestyle that was very appealing, especially for a Christian kid. And so I fell right into it.”

Cooper said he drank every day and, after a while, began taking drugs. It took him years to realize that he had a problem.

“I didn't realize that I was an alcoholic until I realized that the alcohol was not for fun anymore. It was medicine.”

He turned things around by going into treatment and renewing his childhood roots in Christianity.

But mental health issues seep into his music. Cooper wrote “Hey Stoopid,” a song about teen suicide, which includes the lyrics: “No doubt you’re stressin’ out/That ain’t what rock n’ roll’s about/Get off that one way trip down lonely street.”

“That song in particular, I’ve gotten so many emails: ‘That song saved my life.’”

Go to this location to read the complete transcript.

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