AMERICAN HEAD CHARGE Frontman CAMERON HEACOCK Arrested On Suspicion Of Guitar Thefts; Video Report

April 13, 2018, 6 years ago

news heavy metal american head charge cameron heacock

AMERICAN HEAD CHARGE Frontman CAMERON HEACOCK Arrested On Suspicion Of Guitar Thefts; Video Report

CBS Los Angeles is reporting that American Head Charge frontman Cameron Heacock has been arrested after police say they found more than a dozen stolen guitars in his possession. A video report can be seen below.

Costa Mesa police say the 40-year old Heacock was pulled over Wednesday after allegedly driving a stolen van out of a Motel 6 on Harbor Blvd. in Costa Mesa, California. Detectives say the van was packed with stolen property. Authorities say the investigation led to a storage space where more stolen merchandise was discovered.

Thirteen guitars - among them a Gibson Les Paul and a Fender Stratocaster - and a motorcycle were among the items uncovered. Nine of the instruments were taken from Guitar Center in Fountain Valley, according to investigators. Employees say more than $10,000-worth of gear has been returned.

Police are working to find the owners of the remaining four guitars, as well as the other stolen property.

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