ANNIHILISM Debut Ultimate Void Available For Free Streaming / Download

July 4, 2018, 5 years ago

news heavy metal black death annihilism

ANNIHILISM Debut Ultimate Void Available For Free Streaming / Download

Ultimate Void, the debut album from Annihilism, is out now and available for free stream/download.

A message from Annihilism creator PD states: "To rid myself of an old obsession that has become a burden, I needed to find a new one that could fulfil me and that I could succumb to just as much. Most of all it needed to be productive instead of destructive. This is why from January 2016 onward I devoted myself to the creation of my musical debut, going by the name Annihilism.
After more than two years of deepened songwriting, arduous self education as well as endless self reflection I am now proud to present the very essence of my work as a solitary, simple musician: Ultimate Void.

"The title track "Shunyata" releases the raw power of the great nothingness onto the listeners right away and therefore attunes them to an hour of straightforward death metal, often traversed by heavy blast beats and grooving passages. The scarcely used melodic elements provide the arrangements with just a hint of blackness. Slower titles like "Walk Through The Mirror" create atmospheric moments that allow for deep insight into the soul of the world. The fear of the true inner self.

"Thematically the album meanders through abstract spheres, looking to make sense of the ambivalence and void of human existence - once direct and dystopian, once distant and philosophically. Inspiration partly came from popular culture: "Conscious Microverse" for instance is based on an episode of Rick & Morty, in which artificial universes are created for the mundane purpose of generating power. "Soul Hunger" on the other hand resides in the fantastical world of the video game series Dark Souls, that portrays life and death as an eternal recurrance of the same.

"Ultimate Void is neither a concept album nor a revolutionary masterpiece - but it is the heart‘s distillate, vision and at the same time therapy of a human being."

The album is free to download and stream on Bandcamp and Soundcloud. For a donation of 5€ listeners get a fully mastered bonus track, a lyrics PDF and hi-res wallpapers.


"Silence Unmasked
"Lucid Entity"
"Genethic Law"
"Conscious Microverse"
"Brittle Bliss"
"Walk Through The Mirror"
"Amor Fati"
"Soul Hunger"
"Deficient Beings" (Bonus)

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