ARMORED SAINT Frontman JOHN BUSH Featured On The Shockwaves SkullSessions Podcast, Talks New Album And Forthcoming Documentary

February 18, 2020, 4 years ago

news armored saint john bush heavy metal

ARMORED SAINT Frontman JOHN BUSH Featured On The Shockwaves SkullSessions Podcast, Talks New Album And Forthcoming Documentary

The new Shockwaves Skullsessions Podcast (#48) featuring a one-on-one interview with John Bush from Armored Saint is now available. Bush goes into detail discussing Armored Saint’s forthcoming album, which they are currently recording, as well as the forthcoming documentary film on Armored Saint as well as some classic band history. 

John Bush on the forthcoming documentary:

"It's a feelgood story even though there were some times that weren't the most uplifting. We were this band that had this high expectation early on because we garnered a lot of success on the club circuit. A lot of it was our own doing, it was very organic in the way we started. Back in the day bands would make flyers and pass them around town, develop a fanbase. It was very grass roots, it was really cool. You had to convince people to come to your shows, and when you did you had to blow them away, and we did that."

Listen to "Episode #48: John Bush (Armored Saint)" on Spreaker.

Armored Saint checked in at the beginning of the year revealing they were back in the studio working on their new album:

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