AUTHOR & PUNISHER Streaming “Callous And Hoof” Track

May 21, 2015, 9 years ago

news heavy metal author & punisher

AUTHOR & PUNISHER Streaming “Callous And Hoof” Track

Author & Punisher (aka Tristan Shone), the one man doom outfit that’s both man and machine, release Melk En Honing, the outfit’s Housecore Records’ debut on June 30th. The album track “Callous And Hoof” is streaming below.

““Callous And Hoof” is a track that encapsulates the aura of the album for me; the push/pull between urban dystopian fantasy, real fear, and sentiment towards a physical/medieval lifestyle,” explained Shone of the nearly seven minute song. “We are not using our hands and muscles anymore and this track seeks to counter that notion with intensity, speed and unharnessed tumult. Performing this track live really sucks the life out of me, I hope it does the same for some others as well.”

The eight-song album Melk En Honing was produced by Housecore Records’ Phil Anselmo, who said, “Tristan Shone is the epitome of what Housecore Records stands for, and looks for in musical expression: absolute originality and innovation. It is our complete pleasure to facilitate such a fantastic, artistic mind and expression of bombastic works. There is no pigeonholing this man's art.”

Melk En Honing was recorded at Nodeferatus lair in North Shore, LA. Physical pre-orders for the album are available now at this location. Physical pre-order bundles include t-shirts, vinyl versions of the album and CD.


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