BERZERKER LEGION Detail New Album, Obliterate The Weak

November 18, 2019, 4 years ago

news berzerker legion black death

BERZERKER LEGION Detail New Album, Obliterate The Weak

Berzerker Legion have announced the details of their first album, Obliterate The Weak, which will be released January 31, 2020.

Vocalist Jonny Pettersson explains the lyrical theme of Obliterate The Weak: "The lyrical concept is based around how religion is poisoning the world, and even after so many years of evolution, development, we still have huge parts of the world that believes in a fairytale, people who believe that this fairytale is worth going to war over, worth killing for and uses as an excuse for truly malevolent acts. These are weak minded sheep that will do anything in the name of whatever god they believe in. Obliterate The Weak draws from the will to eradicate all forms of religion and tells a story of atrocities made in the name of a fiction."

Obliterate The Weak artwork (by Adi Dechristianize) and tracklisting:

"Rise Of The Berzerkers"
"A World In Despair"
"I Am The Legion"
"Of Blood And Ash"
"Obliterate The Weak"
"The Falling Dawn"
"The King Of All Masters"
"Upon The Throne Of Mortem"
"A Lurking Evil"
"In The Name Of The Father"
"Death Euphoria" (CD exclusive bonus track)

Berzerker Legion was founded in 2016 by guitarists Tomas Elofsson (Hypocrisy) and Alwin Zuur (Asphyx) with a vision to create death metal of the most belligerent quality, they recruited a lineup of solid well-known musicians consisting of James Stewart (Vader) on drums, Jonny Pettersson (Wombbath) on vocals and Fredrik Isaksson (Dark Funeral) on bass to complete the Legion. 

"Of Blood And Ash" and "I Am The Legion" are both streaming now.

"This was the first lyrical video we uploaded on YouTube. Starting off with a massive pounding brutal old school riff, short break, and back again to that pounding groove with vocals. This song has a lot of old Gothenburg melody style. A harmonic break int the middle with the refrain makes this a very strong diverse song."

"In this song we slow down just a little bit. Catchy massive easy riffing with a lot of double bass drum, slow harmonic melodies and now and then we added some symphonies in this song. This was our second video we shared on the worldwide web."

(Band photo: Christel Janssen)


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