BLOOD DUSTER Call It A Day; Announce Final Show, Compilation Album

September 21, 2017, 7 years ago

news blood duster

BLOOD DUSTER Call It A Day; Announce Final Show, Compilation Album

After 26 years, Australian grinding death rock outfit Blood Duster call it a day announcing their last ever gig.

"While Blood Duster have had a great run of way too much fun with way too may rad people, we feel that the time is right to put an end to all this before we really start doing things for the wrong reasons," comments the band.

"Don’t get us wrong we love playing and when the band gets together for a show we almost always have the most fun out of anyone in the room, but the preparation to be able to play and have that fun is now becoming too much. Half assing it on our own terms has always been ok, half assing it simply for cash is something we don’t wan’t to do."

"Blood Duster have always prided ourselves on doing our shit on our own terms, our own way, and fuck everyone else. We feel that we have stayed pretty true to that over the 26 years and 4 months that we have been around. Our natural inclination as a band was to do the opposite of what people wanted. Sometimes that lost us fans, but we could always look at ourselves and know we did the right thing for all the wrong reasons."

"Blood Duster’s last show is at the Corner Hotel on December 9th with our friends Fuck… I’m Dead, Contaminated, Neck Grip, Reaper, Blunt Shovel, Dead Root, and Christ Crusher. It will be a sick show with sick bands!"

"Please come down and get wasted with us one last time! Tickets will be $6.66. This is as cheap as we can make the show without actually losing money… we could have done the cash-in thing but it feels a little crass considering how much fun we’ve had with all of you."

"Also, as part of the winding down process, we are compiling everything we can think of into an album called All The Remains. This is designed to give you access to all the rare / never released / B sides etc. in one easy to find place. So that no one has to write to us asking for stuff… after all we will be dead. Download the entire thing from, or we will have copies on vinyl on the night. Official release date for the download and the vinyl versions is October 20th. Vinyl is available on Magnetic South."

Blood Duster Career Highlights In Brief:

- Telling James Hetfield of Metallica: “Sorry, we are totally out of merch”.
- Apologising to Shane Embury of Napalm Death for accidentally hitting him with stray piss.
- Rizzo being sure Fergie was “cracking on to him.”
- Inventing the Butt Shot while on tour in Europe.
- Having Darryl Cotton appear on a track with us.
- Trying to convince The Strokes to drive off on Drew Barrymore.
- Writing cunt on things and then convincing people to buy it.
- The Cunt album charting higher than Rhonda Burchmore’s album of the time.
- Making and not releasing the KVLT album.
- Punching other band members in the face for fun.
- Having artwork banned by distributers.
- Doing lines with the Dwarves.
- Tony going to court for stage props.
- Beating Lars Ulrich of Metallica at Ping Pong.
- Sharing bills with Mr Bungle, Carcass, Napalm Death, Repulsion and pretty much everyone we have ever wanted to play with."

Visit the official Blood Duster Facebook page or for further details.


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