BUCKCHERRY's Josh Todd - "Let Me Tell You What's Missing In Rock And Roll"

March 10, 2016, 8 years ago

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BUCKCHERRY's Josh Todd - "Let Me Tell You What's Missing In Rock And Roll"

On the eve of Buckcherry's Oceania tour - kicking off March 13th in Auckland, New Zealand - Rolling Stone Australia writer Robyn Doreian caught up with frontman Josh Todd to chat about life on the road, the band's longevity and their recently released seventh studio album Rock 'N' Roll; an excerpt follows:

The song "Tight Pants" is almost Spinal Tap.

"I was going through a James Brown phase where I was watching documentaries, and performances of him on YouTube. We were writing the album and I just wanted a song that was very James Brown. And man, 'Tight Pants' is a fun song to play live. Keith (Nelson, guitarist) and I got to meet him when Buckcherry played Woodstock '99. We were doing some press and he was in front of us. We got a picture with him. We were so star struck. He was larger than and life and had that 'thing'. When I met Steven Tyler and the guys in Aerosmith, they had that 'thing' too."

Why write a song ("Tight Pants") about a woman's arse?

"Because a woman's arse is fantastic! (Laughs) Let me tell you what's missing in rock and roll. You used to be able to dance to it. There was also a lot of sexual innuendo. It was fun, it was a party; it was a really good time. You can't find that anymore, unless you go to pop music. People aren't singing about stuff that's sexy and fun. Plus, there's not a lot of great frontmen. The ones I love are those that the guys want to be and the girls want to fuck. We also need more guitar heroes. We need more great frontmen. With both of those in place, there'd be a really good movement again."

Read the complete interview at this location. Find Buckcherry's tour schedule here.

“Tight Pants” video:

“Tight Pants” behind-the-scenes:


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