BUTCHER BABIES - New Album Complete, Seeking New Record Label

April 25, 2020, 4 years ago

news butcher babies heavy metal

BUTCHER BABIES - New Album Complete, Seeking New Record Label

Eluveitie's Fabienne Erni hosted the latest episode of the band's Corona Talk series, welcoming Butcher Babies vocalist Heidi Shepherd as her guest. During the interview, Shepherd revealed the follow-up to the Butcher Babies' 2017 album, Lilith, is complete.

Shepherd: "We have a new album ready, and we were actually supposed to release a single. We are waiting for the right timing because everything was supposed to happen this coming week, and we kind of stopped everything once we knew that the tour was being postponed. They're gonna service these songs to radio, and it's kind of hard to service songs to radio if we are not on tour. The point of releasing just the single on its own was to kind of be able to talk about our deal with the right label to release the whole album on. So, we'll see. I don't know. I'm sad and I feel a little bit discouraged, but at the same time I know that things will turn out. And we're all in the same boat. That's one thing I have to keep telling myself; we're all in this together; we're all in the same boat (due to the Coronavirus pandemic)."

Butcher Babies released their third studio album, Lilith, on October 27th, 2017 via Century Media Records.


“Burn The Straw Man”
“The Huntsman”
“Look What We've Done”
“Pomona (S**t Happens)”
“Underground And Overrated”

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