CARCASS - Frontman JEFF WALKER Breaks Two Bones In Foot On Tour With SLAYER, TESTAMENT; Photos

March 21, 2016, 8 years ago

news heavy metal black death carcass jeff walker

CARCASS - Frontman JEFF WALKER Breaks Two Bones In Foot On Tour With SLAYER, TESTAMENT; Photos

Prior to Carcass’ show supporting Slayer and Testament on March 19th in Seattle, Washington, the band’s bassist/vocalist Jeff Walker broke two bones in his left foot. Walker will complete the tour, which wraps up on March 26th at The Joint in Las Vegas, Nevada. Tour dates are listed below.

Sorry for Walker's lacklustre performance in Seattle last's the reason why! Talk about "break a leg".....just a poor man's Dave Grohl!!!!! OUCH!!!!! :(


Posted by Carcass on Sunday, March 20, 2016

Slayer / Testament / Carcass tour dates:

22 - Warfield Theatre - San Francisco, CA
26 - The Joint - Las Vegas, NV


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